Sew Mama Sew Give Away Starts Monday!

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Sew Mama Sew Give Away Starts Monday!

notions 3-3000

Welcome everyone--friends and new visitors alike to my homemaking blog, Comin’ Home!  I’m so glad you dropped by today. I’m joining Sew Mama Sew for the annual give away extravaganza!  

I’m giving away some fun sewing supplies….everything you see at the top here. :o) It’s already packed and ready to ship. :o)  Read all about it….

Embroidering Quilt block for Baby Quilt

Comin’ Home is not a ‘sewing’ blog per se..but I am an avid seamstress and quilter! I try to post a good sewing tutorial or show and tell every week. My archives are chock full of tutorials like


tote bag gift

In fact, I recently posted how to make a dishtowel tote bag and I have three or four tutorials coming up in the next month or to cover patio furniture, make throw pillows for the couch….


make fabric wall art and how to do a sew or no sew cover for office baskets. :o) I’ve been doing a LOT of sewing this month.  (Sew much fun!! Pun intended.LoL!)

Week 5 044-3000 Week 5 045-4000-3000  

I’d like to invite you to enter my giveaway which is part of a huge sewing/crafty/homemade items giveaway put on by Sew Mama Sew. Several hundred bloggers and crafters will be listing their giveaways at Sew Mama Sew’s website

notions one-3000

The prizes will be in three categories and you can choose which blogs you want to visit based on what they offer:
  • Hand crafted Items
  • Crafty Supplies and Materials
  • Sewing Supplies and Materials 
The giveaways start Monday the 23rd at 9:00am Eastern Time and closes May 25th by midnight.  THREE DAYS of Fun! I'll announce the winners the next day and I'll ship out my gift by May 30th.  Yes, I will ship internationally.  Just leave a comment on this post..and you are entered! 

fabric giveaway 003-3000

I’m giving away a yard and a half of darling fabric..very lightweight and sparkly…just perfect for the spring! I was wanting some new and stylish spring fabric for a nice Sunday skirt. So I splurged a little. :o) I bought two pieces of fabric. One piece of fabric got used for the skirt below.  

Donna and Lena in new skirt-3000 My granddaughter Lena and I..She liked my ‘coordinating’ ruffle flower. :o) 
I was planning to make another tiered skirt for myself with the second piece of fabric..and then my good friend Trudy of Sewing With Trudy reminded me about the contest.  So instead, I’m passing on this gorgeous fabric…to you!

But that’s not all…I’m also including some extra notions I had on hand..just to add to the fun. There’s a 14 inch zipper, ribbon, buttons, new needles and thread..and other goodies to use as you like. :o)

fabric giveaway 008-3000 
If you like to sew..or you like handmade things, be sure to join us this week. If you are a regular reader and would like to enter my contest..just leave a note.  You don’t have to be a regular visitor of Sew Mama Sew to enter. 


But be sure to drop by Sew Mama Sew for a list of all the great bloggers and ETSY shop owners who are hosting giveaways if you can. You can enter as many giveaways as you like! :o)  

Remember…the contest STARTS on Monday May 23 and ENDS on May 25th!
You've got three have fun!

PS. I do apologize to my subscribers who are getting this twice. I needed to re-post it for Monday. :o)

new signature


Peach Rainbow said...

Lovely giveaway :D
Thanks for the chance!

Maryissewfast said...

How fun Donna! Love the picture of you and your granddaughter!

free indeed said...

Don't know if you will not accept early entries, but I got the email post and decided to hop over.
That is lovely fabric and I love your new summery skirt!

Donna said...

I think that's fine to go ahead and enter. I don't remember reading anything about it.

I just posted early because I will be busy all weekend. :o)

Kerrie said...

What wonderful info about the Sweeteners!! Thanks so much for the post. Great Give-a-way also! hugs, Kerrie

Maria Killam said...

Loved that photo with you and your grandaughter! Sounds like great fun, I unfortunately am not so handy. I received a birdhouse from the Habitat for Humanity that I was to assemble, paint and send back to them al for a good cause for a contest, instead of using the glue gun they sent me I started nailing it together and ended up splitting the front panel right in the front. Not sure how to incorporate it into a design feature when I a paint it now :)
Have a great weekend Donna!

Katie said...

What a great idea for a giveaway! I had never heard of this.. I'm eager to see the other tutorials you have planned. :)

Debby said...

Hi Donna. Please enter my name. Stop by as I am in the COttage Charm Giveway. Have a great week-end.

Debby said...

OOops, I forgot to tell you that the picture is adorable of your and that cute little granddaughter.

Antonia said...

Thanks for the giveaway, I'll be checking out some of your tutorials! :)

Fran said...

Thanks for the giveaway & the chance to win.

Cassiescuddles said...

Thanks for the chance to be a winner. Your blog looks good, I love my home too, what a blessing it is.

Wendy said...

oooh, lovely prize! Gorgeous fabric and who doesn't love notions? Thanks for the chance

beccy said...

I love your pretty pink skirt :)
Thanks for the opportunity to win some lovely things!

LisaT said...

Ive never made anything with a zipper, this could be my inspiration!

Michell said...

Thanks for a great giveaway

Gina said...

Great giveaway! Thank you for the chance to win this bundle. :)

Doina said...

Great giveaway! Please count me in!

Anonymous said...

great giveaway, thanks
XO from athens

Rhonda the Rambler said...

Great giveaway. Thanks for sharing. I am becoming a new follower because I have some patio furniture and needs recovering. Thanks again.

Patty said...

Thanks for a chance to win.

floreksa said...

Love your site!

Dorian said...

What a nice package for the winner! Thanks for a chance at it. You have some nice sewing projects.

Sydney said...
Thanks for the opportunity and I hope I win! :)

Ninu said...

Love the things you going to giveaway!
Thanks for the chance

jane p said...

I'm so attracted to the needles. So silly, right?

Linda said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

Donna Baker said...

pretty skirt! thanks for the giveaway!

Julia Gabriel said...

Very cute skirt and adorable granddaughter!

woodbines-creep said...

Thanks for the giveaway :D

senjosuki at yahoo

Shannon R said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Room for More said...

I love the fabric! Thank you for hosting a giveaway!

Michell said...

thanx for the giveaway

Jamie said...

Great blog! I would love to win your prize pack!

~JamieS@ Scattered Thoughts of a Crafty Mom

Katie said...

Such a nice giveaway :-)

Happy said...

Sending doggy snores from across the pond in Southern Kent, UK. Lovely giveaway!

erica said...

Looks like a fun giveaway, I would love to win.

Skooks said...

What a sweet goodie bag. :) I would love to win.


Ginger said...

You made a beautiful skirt with that fabric!


Unknown said...

Thank you for being such an inspiration!

Ellechim said...

Thank you for the giveaway :)

Kristy said...

Very fun blog! Thanks for the giveaway!

katie@stvital said...

Thank you for being so generous. Lovely fabric.

Callie said...

I love the tiered skirt you made. I am new to sewing and quilting and have been spending hours on my sewing machine every night for the last month--I'm really enjoying it!

Thank you for the chance to win!

Gill said...

Great giveaway!
Your skirt looks gorgeous!

Erin said...

I am so excited to be getting started sewing with my first ever sewing machine. The fabric is so pretty and the little stuff would be super useful. Thanks so much for the giveaway! (even if I don't win which is honestly the most likely outcome given my luck :-P )
crazyncrafty (at) gmail (dot) com

Tawny said...

I seem to always be running out of basic supplies just when I need them. Good on you for giving away some great supplies to stock up on!

Happy Monday!

Adeela said...

If I win that fabric I am going to make a tiered skirt. thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Love that fabric. thanks for the give a way

Stacy said...

What a nice giveaway and I love that I found some great tutorials :)

Sarah W said...

I enjoyed finding your blog today. Thanks for the giveaway.

Amanda said...

lovely fabric! thanks for the chance to win it!

Homemaker Honey said...

G'Day! I'm here for the Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway Day! Please visit me, too:

Homemaker Honey
homemakerhoney @gmail .com

Stephanie said...

Thanks for the giveaway. :) I always need supplies.

Kristie said...

I love random notions. I could always use more. They are such fun to have on hand. Thanks! kristie_keely(at)yahoo(d0t)com

I'm also hosting a giveaway at

Unknown said...

wow. lots of goodies. the giveaway is so much fun.

p.s. my email is

Jingle said...

This is a wonderful giveaway! I love the skirt that you made! jinglesells at gmail dot com

Jessica Jo said...

I love notions. I'm trying to downsize my stash but how I resist chances for free notions?

WoolenSails said...

That is beautiful fabric and I do want to start making clothes again. I haven't done it in ages, but I love to wear skirts in the summer.


Enno Farm said...

Why does this giveaway make me feel like an addict?

Kristi said...

Great giveaway! Thanks!

mindfulhome at gmail dot com

Mare said...

I love the fabric. Your skirt is so pretty if I win I might just make one. Thanks for the chance to win.

Jennifer said...

Lovely giveaway (and adorable dog!)

Megan said...


Nanbon44 said...

I love the things you make, great items..

Unknown said...

I am glad to find your blog through sew mama sew. pleae enter me. thanks

The Feisty Redhead said...

Thank you for doing this giveaway!

Em said...

And who doesn't love sparkles?

Jeanine The Crafting Fiend said...


Melissa said...

Thank you for the generous giveaway. The fabric would make an adorable little girl's summer dress.

Anonymous said...

I would like to enter too please.

Christie S. said...

What a lovely blog you have. And such a nice giveaway.

Lappegal said...

Thanks for a great giveaway:-)

Binks said...

this is a sweet giveaway. i love the fabric.

Vici said...

Great giveway lovely fabric.

Annabanana said...

What a nice giveaway ! I'd love a chance to win. Your skirt is pretty !

Rebecca said...

What pretty fabric! If I win it would be tough to decide to make myself a skirt or a dress for my oldest daughter.

Thanks for the chance to win!
searchingoutsimple at comcast dot net

sarah said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Brennen said...

The fabric is simply gorgeous! Thanks for the chance to win. :)

DIYWannabe said...

How nice of you to participate in the Give-Away. ...and your grand-daughter is just darling!

Heather said...

Thanks for the opportunity, love the site

Lindsay said...

What a lovely prize pack! Your grandaughter is adorable :)

Corey said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

rachaelroyce [at] gmail [dot] com :)

hollyctr said...


JoyLeanne said...

Great giveaway. Lovely blog! Thanks for the chance to win. :)

Cynthia Dickerson said...

What a lovely package to receive. Anyone of us who enter would love this. Thank you. Cynthia

WK handcrafts said...

Great giveaway! wildkitten.handcrafts/at/gmail/dot/com

Jill said...

Wow Donna! These are wonderful giveaways!! :-)
Hope you are having a great day and I love your skirt :-)


Shannon said...

I love your skirt!! That fabric in your give away is so pretty. I love it. Thank you!!

Alison said...

Is it sad that the item I'm most excited about is the needles? Because I think I'm down to one, I need some more!

Janet said...

Lovely giveaway! Thanks for a chance. I think I might have to make a skirt just like yours.

JustPam said...

I would love to make myself a skirt! Pretty fabric.

All Things Beautiful said...

Thanks for such a nice giveaway.

Olga Becker @ Coffee+Thread said...

Thank you! I would love to win.

Room for More said...

Donna, you are right, there are many fun giveaways on the list though I do envision using your giveaway fabric so far the most : )

Thanks for the comments on E & and her dress. I had so much fun making it and I surprised myself that I could do it! That fabric is Tutti Frutti and it is on sale at Joann's for 50% off right now $2.50yd and then with your teacher's 15% off that, I am thinking you could make Lena a precious dress too!! They have many styles and colors. I am off to get more this week.

Unknown said...

What sweet fabric - so pretty for a skirt! Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway.

Sue Niven said...

What a delightful package, Count me in please! thanks!

Karen said...

I would love to make a fun spring skirt or top. Thanks for the giveaway.

Katy said...

great giveaway.

Unknown said...

Wow, your blog is hopping! LOL!

I'd love to make little dresses for the girls, so enter me please.

R said...

Lovely, and timely, as my patternless skirt making book just arrived!

RP from BBC {at} gmail {dot} com

Mom C said...

I really need to come back for the outdoor furniture covers tutorial. Are you doing a top for a 3 seat swing by any chance? The cushions are shot too. bc(underscore)hats(at)hotmail(dot)com

Anonymous said...

I don't have enough random notions, and that fabric is beautiful!

Thank you for the chance to enter your giveaway.

Linda said...

Hi Donna, Thanks for a chance to win such a lovely giveaway. I'll be stopping back by after entering a few more giveaways to check out your blog. Have a great day. Linda

Jocelyn said...

Great giveaway! Thanks for participating in SMS Giveaway!

Alice said...

Great giveaway. Thanks.

Ellen said...

Thanks for the giveaway! Beautiful fabric!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful fabric and a girl can never have enough notions!

sweet limes said...

This fabric would be darling to use for a doll!


Julie said...

How fun! I need a new skirt too!!

Chiska said...

What a wonderful blog! The fabric is lovely too. Thanks!

momof3 said...

Thanks for the giveaway. Glad I stopped by, I am liking what I see.

Susanne said...

Lovely giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win.

Anne said...

A nice collection of handy notions and embellishments!

Shaheen said...

Thank you for a great giveaway!

angelina said...

thank you donna, so lovely of you. x

BrittanyGale said...

Great giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity :D


Anonymous said...

Great giveaway and very useful!

zees5 said...

What a nice way to have found your blog. Thanks.

Sharleen said...

Love the fabric, looks so soft and airy. thanks for the great giveaway!

karamino said...

Great giveaway! Thank you for the chance to win! :)
ninusikbel@hotmaıl dot com

Anonymous said...

thanks for teh giveaway!

radiyas at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for this great prize!


rockgranny said...

Thanks for the giveaway and the chance to win

hueisei said...

Thanks for the generous giveaway!
Lovely... I hope I am the lucky one to win the fabrics :)

Larissa said...

Looks great, thanks!

redzshadow said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I love Giveaway day!

Erin said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Shana Putnam said...

Ooh what a pretty skirt. I would love to win.

Diane H said...

You are truly blessed with beautiful grandchildren, enjoy their stay. Thanks for entering me.

deserae said...

I would love to win! :)

Sally said...

Awesome giveaway. Thanks for the chance.

Cackleberry Homestead said...

Please enter me and thank you so much for the giveaway - the fabric is so pretty!

Donna said...

Thanks for the great give away!
Please enter me

Sangeetha said...

neat - thanks

Genevieve P said...

I love the picture with your granddaughter. Thanks for the giveaway!

bethany said...

I am still fairly new to the sewing world and have lots to learn, I am going to follow your blog and maybe learn a little


Anonymous said...

It was a treat reading your tuesday tea time post!
Thanks for the giveaway!

Domestic Diva said...

Lovely! Thanks for the chance.

lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com

LJ said...

Thanks for the chance!

Taleah said...

How fun! Thanks for all the links to projects!!

becky said...

Thanks for the chance to win such wonderful things!

Heathery said...

Thanks for the chance!
myheehaw at hotmail dot com

Ramona said...

Lots of lovely things you are offering. How sweet of you. Thank You!

ramona_murray at comcast dot net

Dulce said...

Great giveaway! I've been in dire need of new needles. Thank you! :P

sandyandcosmo said...

Aren't granddaughters fun?! Your skirt is beautiful, thanks for the giveaway!

K@ren said...

Thanks for a chance at a fabulous prize! Krencamp(at)gmail(dot)com


PS- your granddaughter is super cute!! <3

Anonymous said...

I just might have to make a skirt out of this too. ^_^ Thank you for the chance!

maerillem at gmail dot com

Jagels said...

lovely giveaway. thanks for the opportunity.

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway. I love the fabrics and you can never have too many notions.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to make a skirt out of that fabric. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to win it.

:) Sheila

Kira said...

Homemaking is a lost art. I am learning so much and wish I knew more. Thank you for sharing what you've learned and done.

Suzie Button said...

thank you for a generous giveaway! I love your skirt and your granddaughter is adorable! I have my first granddaughter, Madison, who is 2 and I just adore! Anyway, I digress! Thanks again! Susan purrpage3 at verizon dot net

fern said...

such fun notions and giveaway! thanks! :-)

Lisa said...

I love this stuff. Thanks for the chance to win!

joyce said...

I love the flirty fabric. School gets out in 3 1/2 weeks and I will have time to sew. What a nice blog. I am bookmarking it.

Caroline said...

Donna, thanks for the tip! I haven't been checking blogs while we are traveling ... will be eager to get caught up with yours when we get home.

Anonymous said...

I just happen to need a 14 inch zipper to finish the dress I am making for my brother's wedding in July. I quite like the looks of your blog and am now following. Cheers!

anna [at] 64colorbox [dot] com

Carla G said...

What a great giveaway! The fabric is very pretty and notions are always needed! Thanks for a chance to win!

Amanda said...

Thanks for hosting!

Shayla Sharp said...

Your skirt turned out lovely! I need to be making up a few new items myself.

Delaina said...

What a wonderful giveaway! Thanks!

Kathy H said...

Very nice giveaway. I hope you are having fun with your family. The pictures show you already are. Thanks for the chance to win.

Shirley said...

What pretty fabric. Lovely skirt!

Karyn said...

Thank you for the tutorials!

audreypawdrey said...

Your skirt turned out great! thanks for the lovely giveaway!

Robyn said...

Thanks for the giveaway!


Anonymous said...

I hope I win your great giveaway package. Thanks for participating.

Tracy said...

Thank you for offering up such a great giveaway! :) I've peeked around your blog, I hope you don't mind if I follow. I've found such inspiration here. :)

Michelle said...

What a lovely giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

Trish said...

Sew Mama Sew has a good thing going here...

Donna Joy said...

Lovely giveaway, it is always nice to get some notions, very cute skirt. I want to make one like your granddaughter is wearing.

ElfRenee said...

Beautiful! I love the colors you put together!


Anonymous said...

Great giveaway! I just love reading about your grandkids. I love blogs with sewing and personal info! It brings us all together! I have 2 boys (2 1/2 and 1) and a niece due in Sept!!!
Thank you for this opportunity! KERIHAG at YAHOO dot COM

sntbosch said...

Thanks for the chance. This would make a darling dress for my little girl!

Quiltin' Sandy said...

Hi I enjoyed visiting your blog. Lovely giveaway, too! Sandy :)

Dusty said...

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Liz said...

An amazing giveaway, Thanks for the chance to win!

Cathy said...

Great giveaway! My maiden name is Rodgers :)

Sofia ;) said...

Count me in!!!! Great giveaway!!! Thanks!!

Calikisses said...

I love more supplies! Thanks for the chance to win them!

HelenN said...

Pretty fabric, I like the skirt you made, very spring-y.


Mike and Jackie said...

I think your skirt is cute and the fabric darling.

Jamie said...

What a fun giveaway! Thank you for participating!

LeNay said...

what a great giveaway. i like the poodle skirt.

Dawn said...

AWESOME giveaway! So excited :)

p.s. GREAT items... thank you for participating, God Bless!

The Polka Dot Apron said...

What a wonderful giveaway and blog! So happy I could stumble across your fun blog on my endless search for free stuff :D I am now a follower and plan to visit often. Thanks!

“There's nothing half so pleasant as coming home again.” ~ Margaret Sangster

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